How To Become A Permanent Resident Of Canada - Process and Requirements

 Canada is a country with a lot of opportunities, and each year, thousands of people apply to become permanent residents and receive their Permanent Residency Cards. Canada has been getting more and more qualified applications each year.


How To Become A Permanent Resident Of Canada - Process and Requirements

In 2023, the Canadian government anticipates inviting 465,000 people to settle there permanently, and that figure is rising!

There are several means to become a permanent resident of Canada. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at how to become a permanent resident of Canada. This post will be very informative, therefore, we urge you to read it to the end.

Table of Contents


A Permanent Resident is an immigrant to Canada who has been granted permanent residence status but is not a Canadian citizen. Permanent Residents are citizens of other nations.


A visitor to Canada, such as a student or an employee from outside, is not considered a permanent resident. They only become permanent residents when they have been awarded permanent resident status (PR Card).

Numerous advantages available to Canadian citizens are also available to permanent residents. They must, however, fulfill some conditions, such as the residency obligation, to keep their status, unlike citizens.



The time it will take us to process your application cannot be predicted in advance. However, becoming a Permanent Resident of Canada typically takes 6 to 8 months to process. However, processing times vary depending on the program you used to submit your application. For instance, if you went through the CEC program, it would take three to four months to process your application while others may take longer.


How to become a permanent resident of Canada
How to become a permanent resident of Canada

To be eligible for permanent residency in Canada, you’ll have to satisfy two criteria:

1. Score 67 immigration points

2. Score the cutoff CRS score of each draw

Your application will be stronger the higher your score. For a Canada Permanent Resident, the candidate must receive at least 67 out of a possible 100 points. You can also gain some extra points if you are migrating with your spouse to Canada.

three factors you have to consider

When it comes to your CRS score, there are three factors you have to consider:

1. Core or Human Capital Factor (your age, education, experience, etc. with or without spouse or common-law partner)

2. Skill Transferability Factor (Canadian work experience or foreign work experience, language ability, etc.)

3. Additional Factors (Canadian job offer, provincial nomination, etc.)


A person must fulfill a residency obligation to keep their status as a permanent resident of Canada. A person’s actual presence within Canada for a predetermined period is referred to as their residence duty. A person must physically be present in Canada for at least 730 days over five years to meet Canada’s residency requirement for permanent residents unless they qualify for one of numerous exceptions.



When considering how to become a permanent resident of Canada, there are several pathways you can take. They are:


How to become a permanent resident of Canada
How to become a permanent resident of Canada

The Express Entry program is meant for talented people who desire to immigrate to Canada as it is a more simplified procedure. Skilled workers can apply for permanent residency in Canada via a points-based system as mentioned above.

Candidates for express admission are judged on a variety of criteria, including their education level, employment history, language proficiency, and talents. The top-scoring applicants will then be given the chance to apply for permanent residence. Any country’s citizens may participate in the program.

To be eligible for the Express Entry program

To be eligible for the Express Entry program, you need to fulfill the requirements listed below.

1. Have a legitimate job offer from a Canadian employer or a nomination from a province or territorial government.

2. You must have two years of skilled crafts expertise or at least one year of specialized work experience.

3. You must be fluent in either French or English.

4. You must have the required level of education.

Your application should also contain the following documents:

1. Your resume or CV

2. Your birth certificate

3. Your language test scores

4. Your education credentials

5. A copy of your job offer or nomination letter

6. Police certificates

7. Proof of completed medical examinations

8. Proof of funds

9. Any other supporting documents

If they are qualified, your family members can go with you to Canada. Your spouse or common-law partner, any dependent children, and any parents or grandparents who live with you continuously are considered to be family members. After you have been accepted into Canada as a skilled worker, your family members can be allowed to apply for a visa as dependents even if they do not match the eligibility standards.



How to become a permanent resident of Canada
How to become a permanent resident of Canada

People with skills, education, and work experience that can boost the Canadian economy are encouraged to apply for permanent residency in Canada through the PNC. Provincial and territorial governments can select immigrants based on the economic needs of their regions by using the Provincial Nominee Class (PNC).

Every province and territory selects its nominations according to its criteria and procedures, and they select people who have the best chance of integrating well into the social and economic fabric of the area.

To be nominated for permanent residency, you have to first apply to the province or territory where you wish to dwell. Once nominated, you then apply to the IRCC. Your application will then be evaluated by an IRCC officer using Canadian immigration regulations.

Individuals nominated by any of the following provinces or territories may make applications under the PNC for permanent residence: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, and The Yukon Territory.


The Business Immigration Program is designed for experienced businessmen who want to start a business or invest in an existing Canadian business. You’ll have to meet certain requirements for your personal and business ownership share and invest a certain amount to be qualified.

The viability of eligible applicants’ businesses in Canada as well as their dedication to generating employment for Canadians and permanent residents and promoting economic growth will be evaluated.

The Canada Business Immigration Program has several categories, which are as follows:

1. Business Start-Up

People who want to launch a new business in Canada should apply under the Business Start-Up category. You must have an original company concept that has the potential to generate employment if you want to be considered. Additionally, you need to have enough cash on hand to sustain your family while your firm is still in its early phases.

2. Business Investor

For those who desire to invest in a Canadian company, there is a category called “Business Investor.” You must be willing to invest at least CAD 200,000 in a Canadian company and have a minimum net worth of CAD 2 million to be eligible.

3. Self-Employed

Self-employed individuals who want to immigrate to Canada should apply under this category. You must be able to contribute to the Canadian economy and have experience in your line of employment to be eligible. You also need to have enough cash on hand to cover your family’s basic needs as you adjust to life in Canada.


Your family members can sponsor you for permanent residence in Canada if they are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. You must show a real relationship with your sponsor and they’ll have to be willing and able to provide financial support for you to be qualified.

To determine whether you and your sponsor are qualified for the Family Immigration Program, you must both take an online assessment.



According to Canadian government studies, those with Canadian education typically succeed in the Canadian labor market. Employers in Canada are aware of and appreciate the local education and work experience that overseas students get while studying there. Additionally, international students have a variety of positive traits that make them competitive in the Canadian job market, including motivation, multilingualism, international experience, and many others.

After completing your studies, you must have work experience in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill level that matches the immigration pathways for skilled workers you wish to apply for. 

Most foreign students who finish their studies in Canada then apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). International students can work for any business and in any job of their choice thanks to the PGWP, which grants them an open work permit.

Your studies in Canada will last for the same amount of time as the PGWP, up to a maximum of three years. One of the main advantages of the PGWP is that it allows you to gain Canadian work experience, which can help you stand out as a candidate for immigration to Canada.

Candidates with Canadian job experience have better chances on many immigration pathways to Canada. You could also enroll in a course at a Canadian Designated Learning Institution (DLI) that will qualify you for a PGWP if you haven’t started your studies in Canada yet.

You could also go through the procedures on how to become a permanent resident of Canada as listed above to determine which ones could be best for you. Conducting this study as early as possible can help you make sure you take the necessary actions to be eligible for these alternatives and improve the strength of your candidacy.

Although each permanent resident procedure has its requirements, generally speaking, your assessment will be based on your degree of education, work experience, and English and/or French ability. If you have a qualifying employment offer and connections to the province or territory where you currently reside, you may also be in a better position.


1. Being Able To Work And Live Wherever In Canada

Permanent residents of Canada are permitted to live and work anywhere in the nation. A new permanent resident has every right to relocate if they begin in Montreal but later find a better position in Toronto. Permanent residents are not bound to a certain province or employer.

Permanent residents of Canada may also travel outside and inside the country using their Permanent Resident Travel Documents (PRTD), sometimes known as their Canadian permanent resident cards.

2. Access To Universal Healthcare And Social Services

Access to free medical care is made possible by the universal healthcare system in Canada. A person has access to social and medical services in Canada after they are granted permanent residency.

3. Can Transition To Canadian Citizenship

How to become a permanent resident of Canada
How to become a permanent resident of Canada

The first step toward obtaining Canadian citizenship is to become a permanent resident. Permanent residents can apply to become citizens after residing in Canada for three out of the last five years. Permanent residents can vote, apply for a Canadian passport, and stop having to renew their status in the nation once they become citizens of Canada.

4. Protected Rights 

Under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, permanent residents of Canada are given protection for their rights.

5. Free Education For Children

Children of citizens or legal residents of Canada are entitled to free education up to the secondary level. Post-secondary education is also significantly less expensive for permanent residents than it is for overseas students after graduating.

For your spouse, common-law partner, and dependent children to immigrate to Canada, permanent residents must petition to sponsor them. If you’re not a permanent resident, you can’t sponsor any family members. To avoid having to sponsor your family later on, you can include them on your initial application if you choose to immigrate using Express Entry.



Can one’s permanent residence in Canada be taken away?

The Canadian government has the right to remove a person’s status as a permanent resident for a variety of reasons, including serious criminal activity, having obtained their status through fraud, or being unable to fulfill their residency requirements.

How long is permanent residence in Canada valid?

Permanent residence status does not end, unlike temporary residence status in Canada. A Canadian permanent residence status will remain intact as long as they continue to satisfy the residency conditions and the government does not revoke it.

Is citizenship the same as permanent residence?

Permanent residents in Canada are not considered Canadian citizens. Permanent residents of Canada are not entitled to the same privileges as citizens, including obtaining a passport. Unlike Canadian citizens, permanent residents have obligations they must meet to maintain their status.

Who can apply to be a Permanent Resident of Canada?

Anyone may apply to be a permanent resident in Canada, but only those who meet the requirements will be considered. Your age, degree of education, proficiency in one official language, knowledge of a second official language, and work history in Canada will all be taken into consideration when determining your eligibility for permanent residency.


Unlike other countries, Canada is actively seeking immigrants. Therefore, the process of becoming a permanent resident of Canada is very simple and there are lots of ways to go about it. You can choose either of the procedures listed in this post depending on your eligibility.

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